Child / Infant discounts are available.
Child / Infant discounts are available.
Child / Infant discounts are available.
▶ Seminar conducted by Mufti Yusuf Badat on Umrah steps, jurisprudence and Islamic guidelines
▶ Presentation by Accurate Travel & Tours on logistics and travel arrangements
▶ Q&A Session
▶ 09:00 AM → Check in at Toronto Pearson International Airport
▶ Spiritual circle, Q&A and supplications prior to departure
▶ 12:45 PM → Departure from Toronto to Madina
▶ 10:40 AM → Arrival at Madina International Airport
▶ Departure → Madina Airport to Hotel by Bus (Luxurious AC Bus with WIFI)
▶ Arrival → Hotel in Madina
▶ Group guided Salawat to the Prophet with Religious Guidance
▶ Personal worship at the Prophets Mosque in Madina
▶ Spiritual circle, daily Q&A and supplications with by Qualified and Recognized Imam
▶ Friday Jumah Prayers at the Prophets Mosque
▶Personal worship at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah
▶ Bus tour to Madinah External Historical Sites with explanation from Imam
▶ Visiting several historical places:
▷ Masjid Cuba
▷ Qiblatain
▷ Ohud & More
▶Seerah Tour around the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah with Qualified and Recognized Imam
▶Personal worship at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah
▶ Spiritual circle, daily Q&A and supplications with by Qualified and Recognized Imam
▶Personal worship at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah
▶ Spiritual circle, daily Q&A and supplications with by Qualified and Recognized Imam
▶ Personal worship at the Prophets Mosque, Madinah
▶ Check-Out → Hotel in Madina
▶ Departure → Masjid Al Haram, Makkah by Al Haramain Bullet Train
▶ Check-In → Hotel in Makkah
▶ Group Guided Umrah with Qualified and Recognized Imam
▶ Spiritual circle, daily Q&A and supplications with Qualified and Recognized Imam
▶ Seerah Tour around the Grand Mosque in Makkah with Qualified and Recognized Imam
▶ Personal worship at the Masjid Al Haram, Makkah
▶ Seerah tour with Qualified Scholar throughout Makkah visiting several historic places:
▷ Mount of Mercy
▷ Mount of Light
▷ Cave Hira
▷ Mount Thawr
▷ Mina
▷ Muzdalifa
▷ Arafah
▷Muallah Cemetery
▷Masjid Jinn
▷Masjid Shajarah
▶ Spiritual circle, daily Q&A and supplications with Qualified Scholar
▶ Personal worship at the Grand Mosque, Makkah
▶ Spiritual circle, daily Q&A and supplications with by Qualified and Recognized Imam
▶ Friday Jumah Prayers at the Masjid Al Haram, Makkah
▶ Personal worship at Masjid Al Haram, Makkah
▶ Spiritual circle, daily Q&A and supplications with by Qualified and Recognized Imam
▶ Personal worship at the Masjid Al Haram, Makkah
▶ Check-Out → Hotel in Makkah
▶ Arrive → King Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah
▶ 20:30 PM → Board flight back to Toronto
▶ 07:00 AM → Arrival to Toronto Pearson International Airport